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The Bay CE School

Child Protection & Safeguarding

All-though school

The senior leader with strategic overall responsibility for Safeguarding is the Executive Headteacher, Mr Duncan Mills. 


Duncan Mills

Executive Headteacher



Primary School Team

Our Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) is:



Nina Lawrence

Head of School (Primary)



Our Deputy Designated Safeguarding Leads (DDSLs) are:


Duncan Mills
Executive Headteacher

Lynne James
Family Liaison Officer

Sarah Meller
Emotional Literacy Support Assistant



Secondary School Team

Our Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) is:

 Chris King
Deputy Headteacher (Secondary)




Our Deputy Designated Safeguarding Leads (DDSLs) are:


Duncan Mills
Executive Headteacher

Emma Bowden

Susie Jones, Director of Inclusion



Poppy Mander, Family Liaison and Wellbeing Officer



If you are worried a child is, or at risk of, suffering, neglect or abuse, please contact the Isle of Wight Children’s Reception Team on 0300 300 0117 at any time, day or night.

You do not need to know everything about the child before contacting the Children’s Reception Team. If you are concerned, it is important that you talk to someone about this.

In an emergency, please call the Police on 999


Click here to view the Safeguarding Curriculum Document (Secondary)

Keeping our children safe

We recognise that The Bay Church of England School has a clear duty under section 175 of the Education Act 2002 to ensure robust arrangements are in place for safeguarding and promoting the welfare and safety of our children.

All members of the school community aim to establish and maintain a safe and stimulating environment, where children can feel secure; are safe from physical harm; are encouraged to talk to adults they can trust; and are listened to.

Through training, all staff are able to recognise the signs of abuse and understand their responsibilities when a child may be at risk of harm. Training of all staff is updated regularly in line with national guidelines.

All school staff understand that they have a duty to observe, monitor and refer anything that concerns them to the Designated Safeguarding Lead, who will then respond in accordance with our Safeguarding Policy. It is essential that all staff are vigilant when it comes to protecting our children. We also commit to working in partnership with external agencies in order to support and protect children. Similarly, if you as parents/carers have child protection concerns about any child, please speak to Mrs Lawrence (DSL), Mr Mills, Mrs James or Mrs Meller (Primary) or Mr King (DSL), Mr Mills, Mrs S Jones, Mrs Mander or any other members of the Safeguarding Team (Secondary). 

While we always strive to work confidentially and in partnership with parents, it should be noted that, where there are concerns relating to the safety of a child, in some situations, it is necessary to share information with other agencies and authorities without parental consent.

In line with the ‘Safer Recruitment’ guidance, all staff and governors, including volunteers who have access to children in our school, have had enhanced DBS (Disclosure and Barring Service) checks. Should allegations be made against members of staff we will follow Local Authority guidance in dealing with them. This guidance ensures that the safety of the child is paramount.

The school’s Child Protection Policy and the Safeguarding Policy is available on our Policies page – click here.  The latest guidance in Keeping Children Safe in Education can also be viewed on our Policies page – click here.

Copies of all policies are available from the school office.

Online Safety

The Bay Church of England School (Primary site) provides a diverse, balanced and relevant approach to the use of technology. Children are encouraged to maximise the benefits and opportunities that technology has to offer. We ensure that children learn in an environment where security measures are balanced appropriately with the need to learn effectively. We aim to equip children with the skills and knowledge to use technology appropriately and responsibly. We teach children how to recognise the risks associated with technology and how to deal with them, both within, and outside the school environment.

Use of the internet is part of the statutory curriculum and a necessary tool for learning. Internet access is an entitlement for children who show a responsible and mature approach to its use. The internet is a part of everyday life for education, business and social interaction. The school has a duty to provide children with quality internet access as part of their learning experience. Our children use the internet widely outside school and need to learn how to evaluate internet information and to take care of their own safety and security.

Health and Safety

The school has a robust health and safety policy, which is monitored each term by our School Business Manager.  The Local Authority provides a routine inspection service and we use the SOSA monitoring checklist to ensure we are compliant with all Health and Safety responsibilities. The Executive Headteacher, School Business Manager, Site Manager and Governors with responsibility for Health and Safety oversee this comprehensive list. Any concerns from staff are reported to the Business Manager and Site Manager, and an initial examination takes place immediately, assessing what remedial action needs to take place. On at least a termly basis, there is a fire drill to practice efficient evacuation from the buildings. The school conducts an annual Fire Risk Assessment. There is also a critical incident plan that details what staff and parents should do in the case of emergencies.  Click here to visit our Policies page to view the school’s Health and Safety Policy.

Appointment and induction of staff 

All staff appointed to work in school have a criminal records search called a DBS check. This search highlights people who have a criminal record or if previous allegations have been made against them. If any member of staff is found to have a criminal record, the appointment is reconsidered by the Executive Headteacher and the Governing Board. The Local Authority is informed directly by the Disclosure and Barring Service. Newly appointed staff are assigned a mentor for their induction period. They are familiarised with procedures, policies and safeguarding practices before starting at the school, and are regularly updated during their first weeks at the school. All staff receive regular safeguarding updates and training.


All volunteers must have DBS clearance.  For any extended contact with children, when children may be left alone with an adult, or when an adult visitor may be in and around the school building, a full DBS search will be conducted. Visitors who do not yet have clearance will not be left alone with a child (or group of children) under any circumstances.


All visitors with a professional role – such as supply teachers, the School Nurse or members of the Police – have relevant clearance. Students who work within our school community also have their DBS clearance confirmed. Anyone who spends time in school without this confirmation will be accompanied at all times.

Designated Person for Looked After Children (LAC)

Mrs S Jones – Designated Person for Looked After Children

Medical Needs

Our medical Assistant at the Primary Site, Kathryn Packer can be contacted via the school office to discuss any pupil medical concerns.

Our Lead First Aider at the Secondary Site, Victoria Poate can be contacted via the school office to discuss any pupil medical concerns.

Local Authority Designated Officer (LADO):

IOW Lado c/o MASH, Hampshire County Council, Parkway, 94-96 Wickham Road, Fareham, Hampshire, PO16 7JL

Telephone: 01962 876364

Email: child.protection@hants.gov.uk

Useful Links

Please click here to view the Samaritans website.Please click here to view the RASAC website.Please click here to view Barnardo’s website.

Please click here to view the ChildLine website.

Please click here to view the Cruse website.