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The Bay CE School

Inclusion & SEND

Together with the teachers and extra adults in school, we are here to help make a positive difference for those children who most need it. We aim to work in partnership with parents, families, outside agencies, feeder pre-schools, Children Centres and schools.

We offer a range of interventions and ways of supporting learning; it is important that we identify your child’s needs and provide support for them to learn, feel good about themselves and find ways of achieving success.


For further information please click on the following links:

The Bay SEND Information Report for Primary

The Bay SEND and Inclusion webpage for Primary

The Bay SEND Information Reports for Secondary



If you have any concerns about your child’s needs in communication and interaction, learning, social, emotional or mental health and/or physical/sensory areas then ask to have a chat with the class teacher. However, at any time please feel free to come and talk with either Mrs Dunford or Mrs James (Primary) or Mrs Greaves or Mrs Clark (Secondary) – you are welcome to call into the office or phone to arrange a time to meet with us.

SEN Policy

To view our SEN Policies for primary and secondary,  please visit our Policies page.

How We Work: We follow the National Code of Practice for SEN and Disability (2014)

SEN Support

Where a child has been identified as needing SEN Support we will make sure we can take positive steps to remove barriers to learning. We will follow a 4-step cycle of ‘assess, plan, do, review’ to revisit and review what we are doing to ensure the child makes good progress and achieves good outcomes.

Statement/Education Health Care Plan

For a small percentage of children they will have a statement of SEN or an Education Health Care Plan issued by the Local Authority. Their needs must first be assessed through a statutory assessment.

Schools and parents can request this if the child’s needs meet the criteria set by the Local Authority.

At each stage there will be shared conversations with parents/carers. We will work together.

All children with a Special Educational Need will have a Pupil Passport. This will be shared with you at each Parent Consultation meeting.  

The Cove

The Cove is a specialist resource provision that supports students with an EHCP and ASC diagnosis. Parents/carers need to request a Cove placement during their school placement application and we are directed by the Local Authority of who we take.  


The Cove is designed to support students who require a specialist provision within a mainstream setting. Students attending The Cove are given a safe haven to come to throughout the day. Students are expected to work towards attending mainstream lessons. During year 7 students follow our 10 golden skills package for their mainstream subjects. In years 8 and above students follow the mainstream curriculum and will complete the same work and assessments as their peers. 


Students attending The Cove have access to a variety of life skills sessions such as photography, cookery and gardening to bring back the love of learning. 


Dealing with Complaints

The first point of contact should always be your pupil’s current class teacher (primary) and Tutor (Secondary). We have timetabled opportunities throughout the year for parental consultation meetings. Regular progress information is shared. If you feel concerned after having spoken to the class teacher/tutor then you can contact the SENDCo. Should you still feel the matter is unresolved please see the complaints policy on the Policies page of our website - click here. 

Useful Links


SENDIASS – First contact meeting information

Information on the SEN Code of Practice

Isle of Wight SEN Services

British Dyslexia Association

Dyslexia Action

The National Autistic Society

ICAN (Speech & Language)

Dyspraxia Foundation


The Isle of Wight Council is committed to giving all children and young people high quality education that enables them to make progress and achieve well. For children and young people aged 0-25 with special educational needs or a disability, additional or specialist support may be needed to enable this. To support the process of identifying the range of provision and advice that is available, the Isle of Wight Local Authority have published a local offer.

For more information about the Local Offer please use the following link

Inclusion - Primary 

Hello, my name is Lynne James and I am the Family Liaison Officer (FLO) at The Bay CE School (primary site).  My role is to provide support to parents/carers with any issues or concerns you may have, either at home or in school. I can also signpost to other agencies for additional support if needed.

I can give advice, parenting support and practical strategies to help with positive behaviour management, rules and routines, school attendance, friendship concerns or just provide a listening ear for parents and families.

You can come and have an informal chat with me in the mornings or alternatively you can contact me via the school office or email me at ljames@bayceschool.org


Inclusion - Secondary 

The Reflection Pool at the Bay Church of England School Secondary Site is the home of the Inclusion Team.  The Inclusion Team consists of:

Mrs Susanna Jones - Associate Assistant Head (Director of Inclusion)

Mrs Sharon Lee - Behaviour and Inclusion Support

Mr Danny Worbouys - Behaviour and Inclusion Support

Mr Neville Clarke - Behaviour and Inclusion Support

Mrs Sharon Strawson - ELSA

Our Inclusion department works with students struggling to engage with their learning for a number of reasons, for example due to self regulation or challenging home circumstances.  By working closely with our pastoral teams and outside agencies we are able to deliver or signpost interventions, and work with outside agencies that can support students to re-engage successfully, minimizing disruption to learning. 

ELSA (Emotional Literacy Support Assistant)

The ELSA intervention is designed to support the emotional needs of students.  Our trained ELSA Mrs Sharon Strawson works with students experiencing  a variety of challenges, including self regulation, anxiety and bereavement.  Students may be offered small group work or 1:1 sessions as appropriate, as either a stand alone session or part of a longer series of meetings.  ELSA sessions can take place either in the Reflection Pool or in our dedicated ELSA room.

Family Liaison Officer

Hello, my name is Poppy Mander and I am the Family Liaison Officer (FLO) here at The Bay CE School (secondary site).  My role is to provide support to parents/carers and children with issues and concerns you may have, either at home or at school. I can also signpost to other agencies for additional support as required. 

I can give advice, parenting support and practical strategies to help with positive behaviour management, rules and routines, school attendance, friendship/peer concerns or just provide a listening ear for parents and families.

You can come and have an informal chat with me in the mornings or alternatively you can contact me via the school office or email me at pmander@bayceschool.org 



Please click here to view the UNICEF Rights of A Child leaflet