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The Bay CE School


Welcome to the Media, part of the Performing Arts Faculty


Mrs Creggwood - Assistant Headteacher and Head of Performing Arts 

Mr J Alabaster

Mr F Griffiths

What is media?

Digital technology is transforming the way we make, distribute and consume media products. This course focuses on the study of this in addition to practical development of skills in creating media products from the ‘Audio and Moving Image’ sector, as well as the ‘publishing’ sector. 

Creative industries as a whole are now worth over £84 billion per year to the UK economy. Working in the creative media industry involves a wide range of practical processes, skills and techniques – from broadcast media to increasingly interactive products and platforms. As digital technology continues to evolve, media techniques have become more sophisticated and media products are becoming more advanced. However, what has not changed is that media products still have the power to enthral, intrigue and affect audiences.


Our Vision: 

Students within the Performing Arts Faculty at The Bay CE School will graduate with greater confidence and conviction in their command of specialist skills and have developed passion for the creative arts across the styles and specialisms, whatever their background. Students will also graduate having developed core values and skills in teamwork, communication, respect and empathy.  


Phase 3 – Year 10

The first part of term one of year 10 introduces students to the subject of media, the purpose of media products and their target audiences through the study of key examples. On top of this, students develop skills in using the camera effectively, as well as the basics in using the Adobe suite to edit produced materials. 

The later half of term 1 focuses on preparations for Component 1. This requires them to complete a case study of three linked media products, each from a different sector. Students analyse each product, the target audience and its purpose. 

In term 2 students focus on developing their skills in media through completion of Component 2.  This component requires students to develop their skills in digital media, specifically for moving image. They will take part in a series of workshops and the project culminates in students reimagining a moving image product. All practical work is evidenced through the creation of an electronic portfolio. Students are then required to evaluate their development of skills throughout the project. 

The final term of year 10 focuses on the completion of Component 1 and component 2 coursework based on the set brief from BTEC. 

Phase 3 – Year 11

The first term of year 11 focuses on preparing students for their external coursework; Component 3. This requires students to create a media product in response to a brief. For this project students focus on moving image and need to plan and produce a piece of moving image (scene from a film/TV show, music video or advert) for a specific purpose and target audience. 

In term 2 and 3 students receive their brief and begin completing their pre-production and production work in preparation for 3 x controlled assessment sessions in a computer room. First, students complete 1 hour writing up about their initial response to the brief. Secondly, students complete 1 hour writing up about their development of ideas and completion of the pre-production/production process. Finally, with the material they have created, students have 3 hours under controlled conditions to create their media product. 

Specification: BTEC Tech Award in Creative Media Production 

Year 10 

Year 11

Useful Websites: 

Where Media can lead to:

Many students who study BTEC go onto continue their studies through A-level Media Studies, A Level Film Studies or Level 3 BTEC in Creative Media Production at sixth form or college. Many further this with a Drama or Performing Arts Based course at university or training at a Performing Arts School. 

This course goes well with AS and A2 Levels in: 

  • Drama and Theatre
  • Performing Arts
  • English Language
  • English Literature 
  • Sociology
  • Psychology

This course allows routes into a range of career pathways including:

  • Sound engineer
  • Actor 
  • Radio Producer
  • Journalist
  • Advertising executive 
  • Film Crew / Camera operator 
  • Graphic Designer 
  • Scriptwriter 
  • Illustrator
  • TV Presenter or researcher
  • Teacher 
  • Games Designer 

Performing Arts Extra Curricular

The learning doesn’t end in the classroom, in Performing Arts we offer a range of extra-curricular activities to support our students progress within our subject areas. We offer a range of clubs in order to allow our students to become part of the school community, working as a team with all other year groups. We also offer a range of off island theatre trips each academic year so that our students can fully understand the success that they can strive towards in their own careers. 

We also work in partnership with the Isle of Wight music hub to offer students peripatetic lessons in a range of instruments. 

We put on one variety evening and one production a year, open to all students to take part in. Please click here for our latest performance review. 

We regularly update our facebook page with information regarding extra-curricular activities as well as student success, please like and follow our page for more information: 

Clubs on offer:

Click here for more information. 
