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The Bay CE School

Stay Safe Online

Children are spending more and more time on online, watching and creating avariety of content. It is imperative that children understand how to stay safe online. As a school, we continually discuss online safety and take part in Safer Internet Day every February. We follow the SMART rules:

smart rules .pdf


Here are some links for further information on internet safety.


The NSPCC website give parents lots of information to start conversations especially with upper Key Stage 2 pupils.


Net Aware is run by the NSPCC and O2 and is your guide to apps, games and social media sites.

 You can search for a game etc and it will give you information about it to allow you to make informed choices about whether to let you child play that game or use that app.


Internet Matters – Another useful website for parents


Childnet – An international website that provides information and training for parents. This is also the website we use for characters such as Digiduck and our SMART rules


Think u know is a website create by CEOP ( Child Exploitation and Online Protection). It is an excellent website for children of all ages and parents, providing information, stories and videos to support online safety.


This link will take you to the UK Safer Internet Centre’s ‘Parent Guide to Technology’ page. This gives invaluable advice on a wide range of up to date technology.


This link will take you to The Key’s Parent resource hub, a hub for online safety resources for parents. The resource hub includes interactive guides for setting parental controls for social media sites, online games, and more.


Common sense media – Reviews apps, games, books and films to help parents understand the positive and negative aspects and appropriateness for their child.