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The Bay CE School

Year 4

A very warm welcome to Year 4!

A very warm welcome to Year Four at The Bay. We have two classes taught by Mrs Wilson, Miss Sturrock and Mrs Haywood they are supported by Mrs Covell and Mrs Maguire. 

Homework will comprise of weekly spellings and maths or English consolidation activities.

You can help your child at home by practising homophone spellings (e.g. there, they’re and there or here and hear) and all times tables up to 12 x 12, including their division facts. Please also listen to them read.

Curriculum Information

Click here to see the class timetable. 

Click here to see the Spring term letter to parents and carers

Home Learning

Homework is set by class teachers each week to consolidate key skills in Maths and English. All homework is set on paper to reinforce presentation, handwriting, letter and number formation. Homework is set on a Friday and due in on the following Thursday.

Useful Links

To support the children’s learning we subscribe to EdShed and Purple Mash (please ask if you need your child’s password resetting.

